Simulacra’s Gaze (2023)

lndivisual film / thesis project about architectural authenticity and replica

Mediating between the physical, the digital, and the virtual, the project aims to question the role of architecture and technology of re-production in the cultural context.

In the age of mass production, where global architectural icons are being physically replicated as a gimmick for tourists, how could the process of architectural reproduction, (space and symbols created from copies) dissociate from the extremes of the original and the replicas, and move on to a mode of anti-construction that makes “new originals” (new culture originated from combination of copies) ?

I propose the making of a virtual architecture lab that focuses on the process, rather than the output of design. Through a simulated architectural production in the virtual lab, it discusses how the new tools such as sensing, scanning, AR etc. Would change the future role of the designer. 

Animator / Producor : Peiyao Yu
Voiceover: Dahyun Kim